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Nuban tackles menstrual challenges

About 40 per cent of young girls in rural areas drop out of school due to a lack of resources to take care of their menstrual needs monthly.

Period poverty is the lack of access to sanitary products, menstrual hygiene education, toilets, hand washing facilities, and/or, waste management.

“Meeting the hygiene needs of all adolescent girls is a fundamental issue of human rights, dignity, and public health,” said Sanjay Wijesekera, former UNICEF Chief of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

The ‘Nuban Beauty Pads, A Girl’ campaign is a CSR activity aimed at providing underprivileged girls with reusable sanitary pads.

Nuban Beauty (foremost Nigerian makeup brand) and Safety For Every Girl (non-profit organisation) have teamed up in the fight against ‘period poverty’ in Nigeria.

Nuban Beauty is set to launch a line of makeup products called Ultra Collection on July 25, 2022, to facilitate the provision of these reusable sanitary pads. 50 per cent of all proceeds from the sales of these products will be channelled into the provision of these pads that last each girl a minimum of 2 years.

This is not just about the makeup products, but mostly about the girls. We encourage you to partner in this by shopping this new line of products bearing in mind that each time you buy a product; a young underprivileged girl is provided with a sanitary kit.

Together, we can end period of poverty.


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