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Reason No. 2 JAPA to U.S. not Advused

I’m not merely stating opinion.
The US government is complicit in so many wicked, evil agendas against people all over the world but especially against people of African descent

By Wenona Russ

Forcement in the U.S. cannot differentiate between a Black American and a Nigerian. So the same racism, racial profiling, bigotry, and even hate crimes that we are exposed to, many Nigerians in the U.S. are exposed to the same.

They will lure you into the U.S. with all kind of goodies but do understand that it’s bait for a trap. A trap that is meant to ensnare you, to put you in bondage and to take your souls.

I’m not merely stating opinion.
The US government is complicit in so many wicked, evil agendas against people all over the world but especially against people of African descent.

If you come across a Black American that tries to warn you about how America really is, what the government’s true agenda is, please take heed!!!

I worked on a Police Review committee while in the U.S. – one of the issues we found with police is that they were on a mission to incarcerate as many immigrants as possible in something that’s called the ICE program.

ICE is a government program whose objective is to find illegal immigrants – to incarcerate immigrants who commit crimes & deport them.

We found that many immigrants human rights were violated in the name of trying to keep America’s borders safe from immigrants. Many police officers were brutalizing, harassing, profiling & targeting immigrants unjustly.

It was our mission to make sure that the human rights immigrants were preserved & that police officers did not violate immigrants’ rights. Please understand – the perception of immigrants in the U.S. fluctuates depending upon who is in the White House.

Democrats? Open the borders!
Republicans? Build the wall!
Since there is an agenda to control what goes on not only in the U.S. but around the world, immigrants are at the whims of governmental policies. You make a permanent decision based upon temporary laws that allow you into the U.S.

The systems in place are designed to exploit immigrants –– then spit them out once the government has what it wants!
You make Money? U.S. has TAXES, HIGH living costs designed to TAKE BACK whatever you make! So you NEVER have enough to send home!

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