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Restoring Nigeria’s Green Canopy: FirstBank and NCF Join Forces for Ambitious Tree-Planting Initiative

In a bold move to combat climate change and revitalize the country’s diminishing vegetation, FirstBank, in partnership with the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), has launched a large-scale tree-planting initiative that aims to enhance Nigeria’s green cover.

The project, spearheaded by Aishatu Bubaram, the Group Executive of Commercial Banking, North at FirstBank, is part of the bank’s 2024 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Week. The tree-planting event, which took place at Government Secondary School (GSS) in Karshi, Abuja, saw the planting of 50,000 trees, with a broader goal of reaching 50,000 trees nationwide by 2024.

“The essence of planting these trees is environmental conservation,” Bubaram emphasized. “These are economic trees that we believe will outlive our generation and benefit future generations.” She further highlighted FirstBank’s commitment to the initiative, noting that the bank had already planted 30,000 trees in 2023 as part of its ongoing efforts.

The Crucial Role of Trees
Trees play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems. They purify the air we breathe, stabilize the climate, prevent soil erosion, and provide habitats and sustenance for a diverse array of species, including humans. In a world grappling with the devastating effects of climate change, the importance of tree-planting initiatives cannot be overstated.

“By planting trees in Abuja, we are actively contributing to the health and well-being of the city,” Bubaram said. “Each tree planted is a step towards reducing carbon emissions, improving air quality, and enhancing the natural beauty of our urban landscape.”

A Collaborative Approach
The tree-planting initiative is the result of a strategic partnership between FirstBank and the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), a leading organization dedicated to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in Nigeria.

Muhammad Garba Beyo, the Zonal Coordinator of NCF, expressed the Foundation’s unwavering commitment to the project, stating, “Our Green Recovery initiative is designed to improve Nigeria’s vegetation cover, which currently stands at less than 3%—a critical issue given the environmental challenges we face.”

Beyo emphasized the importance of such collaborative efforts, thanking FirstBank for its support and assuring that the Foundation would take diligent care of the seedlings planted to ensure their healthy growth into mature trees.

A Call to Action
The tree-planting initiative at GSS Karshi serves as a powerful reminder of the collective responsibility we all share in restoring Nigeria’s green canopy. Bubaram’s call for other financial institutions and individuals to join the effort underscores the need for a multi-stakeholder approach to addressing the pressing environmental challenges facing the country.

As FirstBank and NCF continue to lead the way in this important endeavor, the hope is that their inspiring example will inspire others to follow suit, ultimately contributing to a greener, more sustainable future for Nigeria and the world.

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